Vanquish Pro is a new generation wet paste ant bait with both protein and carbohydrate in the matrix. Vanquish Pro is powered by Fipronil, a well-known, thoroughly tested and highly effective active ingredient for ant control. The matrix was developed by DPI + RD a number of years ago and commercialised by Bait Technology Ltd for use in a variety of situations.

Approval is now held for application in ecological and conservation areas as well as around domestic and commercial and institutional buildings (eg hospitals, aged care facilities, schools, food processing areas, offices, shops, motels, ships).

A non-toxic version of Vanquish Pro is also available for use as a highly effective monitoring tool for ant management.

Bait Technology are the exclusive Australian manufacturers of Vanquish Pro ant bait.

Garrards Australia is partnering with Bait Technology Ltd to distribute Vanquish Pro to market. 

Palatable for longer, all year round

The food preferences of different ant species varies, and preferences will change during different seasons of the year. One thing remains consistent; ants like their food wet. By using a wet mix of protein and carbohydrate, Vanquish Pro is highly palatable to a wide variety of problem household ants at all times of the year, including during cold months.

Vanquish Pro has been registered and used in New Zealand for a number of years now and has an excellent track record for commercial and residential ant control. The bait is widely used by Regional Councils for ant control in sensitive areas.

Powered by Fipronil for Total Control

Worker ants rapidly recruit and feed on the appealing Vanquish Pro paste and then return to their nest to feed it to nest-mates, queens and brood. The slow action of the tiny quantity of Fipronil in Vanquish Pro mean that ants don’t know what’s hit them until it’s far too late. The result is total and sustained long-term control of entire problem ant colonies.

Easy to use

Vanquish Pro is available in convenient 325g cartridges which are vacuum packed for easy storage and use by both the professional and domestic operator.




For enquiries, please contact us at

Or phone +61 738811693

Vivienne Van Dyk

Lead Contact – Conservation – Ecology
Phone: +64 27 444 4005